Sleep Consulting Services

Sleep is essential.

Sleep is necessary for good health, growth, and development. Research has shown that sleep improves brain function, memory, and mood. Children who sleep for longer stretches at night also have fewer behavior and attention issues and show more positive emotions. At every age and stage, you and your child can benefit from good sleep.

Parents need sleep too.

Sleep improves your mood, health, and memory. When you are well-rested, you feel better. When you are feeling sad or anxious, lack of sleep can make these feelings worse. Research also shows that parents who experience prolonged sleep deprivation are more likely to develop symptoms of depression. The benefits of sleep are clear, but you may not know where to start. We can help.


Dr. Charissa Chamorro provides coaching, support, and guidance for sleep and behavior issues. Her approach is client-centered, compassionate, and evidence-based. She understands that each person is unique and that there are a range of issues that may be impacting sleep. Through a compassionate and personalized approach, she collaborates with families to develop an effective sleep plan that will address short-term sleep issues and provide a foundation for healthy sleep habits.

Reach out today to schedule a consultation call and learn more about how treatment can help.