Parenting Groups

Parenting Groups

Dr. Charissa Chamorro is committed to improving the mental health and well-being of children and their families. She offers comprehensive diagnostic assessments and research-supported therapies to address a range of childhood emotional and behavioral issues. She uses a personalized approach and works directly with each family to determine the treatment methods that will be best for each family. Groups focus on developing skills for:

  • Helping children manage anxiety

  • Emotional sensitivity in children

  • Managing tantrums

  • Strategies to de-escalate conflict

  • Compulsive and ritualistic behaviors in children

  • Validating emotions

  • Selectively attending to behavior

  • Attention-seeking behavior

  • Giving effective commands

  • Managing hyperactive and impulsive behavior

  • Managing sleep issues

  • Boundaries and limit setting

  • Following through with compassionate consequences

Treatment Approaches

Research has shown that the most effective treatments for young children include cognitive-behavioral therapy and caregiver involvement with or without the child present. For this reason, Dr. Chamorro works directly with parents using research-backed interventions rather than with children in individual treatment. Treatment generally involves:

  • Weekly parent sessions

  • Teaching parents specific strategies and concepts

  • Weekly family activities that parents can engage in with their children between sessions.

  • Regular assessment of treatment effectiveness

Reach out today to schedule a consultation call and learn more about how treatment can help.